Meet Rose

Rose is 6 years old! She has the diagnosis of Trisomy 18. She is a very special and lovely person who lights up the room with her smile! She was born in California in a hospital system that agreed to full innovative care for her. However, by the time she was 4 weeks old and in a critical need of heart repair it was denied. After many denials to local care, she was able to transfer out of state to Omaha Nebraska and receive full heart repair! She flew home commercial at 12 weeks old! She is now 6 and loves life! She is busy with clinics, cares and therapies. She is one strong amazing girl! What a delight to get to experience life with her, we are excited to push a bit out of our comfort zone. Ditch the daily routines and weekly β€œwork” of appointments and celebrate life, adventure and family. What a privilege to get to be amongst her peers and their families who know how precious a child with complex needs is! No stares, just time with those who care. Thank you for having us! 

We would love your help sending Rose to camp. Every amount helps and is so appreciated.

Any donations 500+, please see our sponsorship levels at the bottom of our CCK page or fill out the form here.


Meet Fiona